Products For Business
ROShopper offers a Free basic listing that includes a Free responsive phone number and Free menu listing that we will host for eateries that submit menus to us. There are 3 Basic Products for sale, 1) Line Enhancement, 2) In Content Ads, and 3) Line Adds. These are explained below.
Let's Eat Line Enhancement
Line Enhancing is an easy way to get your eatery noticed when a user is looking for a place to eat. A basic listing on ROShopper Let's Eat is Verdana, 10pt, and basic Black. Enhancements for these products are listed below.
Line Enhancement has both direct and indirect features. The direct features are; Font, Font Size, and Color and the indirect features are; Logo Add and Menus links.
Fonts and colors, all 14pt size
Andale Mono Red
Arial Blue
Arial Black
Book Antigua Green
Comic Sans MS Purple
Courier New 16pt Red
Georgia Blue
Helvecta Green
Impact Purple
Tahoma Red
Terminal 16pt Blue
Times New Roman Green
Trebuchet MS Purple
Verdana Black
Example Main Page Line Enhancement of just direct features - First is the basic listing the second is Verdana, Blue, medium 11-14pt depends on line length and third is Verdana, Blue, large which is 15-18pt pending line length
Burger King - 662-862-2822
1506 S Adams St - Mon-Sat 6am-Mid; Sun 7am-Mid
Burger King - 662-862-2822
1506 S Adams St - Mon-Sat 6am-Mid; Sun 7am-Mid
Burger King - 662-862-2822
1506 S Adams St - Mon-Sat 6am-Mid; Sun 7am-Mid
Logo add is available for medium and large enhancements
McDonalds - 662-256-9600
804 US-278 - Open 24/7
McDonalds - 662-256-9600
804 US-278 - Open 24/7
McDonalds - 662-256-9600
804 US-278 - Open 24/7
In Content Ads
In Content Ads look like Footer Ads and are 600px wide and 100px height. They are placed "In-Content" among the eateries listings.
Firehouse Subs - 662-842-8110
2438 Main St - Everyday 10:30am-9pm

Fresh Market Cafe - 662-840-1919
1155 S Gloster St - Everyday 11am-8:30pm
Footer placements are the very bottom of every page. Footer size is 1200px x 100px.

Line Additions
There are 2 types of Line Additions that can be utilized. 1) Basic Message Line and 2) 3rd Party Website Line. The first 2 Line options, Basic and Our Menu Link lines go between the Main Page name and the Address Hour Lines. The Second Line Addition option goes below the listing and can contain a message with website link.
The Basic Message Line is utilized for a running message like McDonald's "i'm lovin it" and their second part would be the "2 for $5" and here is an example of that line.
McDonalds - 662-256-9600
"i'm lovin it" - it's 2 for $5 all month!
804 US-278 - Open 24/7
The 2nd and bottom Line Add Option is the 3rd party website link line that goes below the client listing
Sonic Drive-In- 662-369-8181
US Hwy 45 Open Mon-Sat 6am; Sun 9am; Close Sun-Thur Midnight; Fri-Sat 1am Burger Fries Combo all month! Check Website
The Menu button links to the page ROShopper Creates for the Eatery that enhances
Pilot's Pub - 337-991-9500
3822 West Congress - M-Sa 11am-2am; Su 1pm-Mid